Friday, September 5, 2008

how did i do it?

in december, 2007 i sat in my brother, justin's apartment in chicago thinking of all the places i wanted to york...sweden...tampa...california...japan...reno...hawaii...texas...

but, how?

i wanted my decision to be a well-thought out, not-so-impulsive one so i gave myself one week to come up with a game plan.

justin said, "don't worry. if you don't have the money, i'll give it to you."

by the end of that week i had bought one-way tickets to different cities in the u.s. and round-trip tickets for my international stops. i was locked in. there was no backing out.

on the first day of the first month of 2008 i would put in 2 months notice with mylandlord - thank God i was on a month-to-month lease - and at Hyde/Jackson Square Main Street (Main Street Program), where i was the executive director.

needless to say when i got back from my christmas vaca in chicago, i let go of the dead-end relationship. girls, i have to say this...please don't settle! just don't do it. there's SO much more out there. you can't date someone's potential. just do what's easy. let him GO.

the last two months of my time in boston was focused on tying up loose ends. i managed to leave the organization on good terms, found a nice home for my dog chopper, and even managed to keep my furniture in my apartment (since my friend took over lease.)

but, how did i pay for it all?

to be honest, i really don't know. money just showed up. you know that part about trusting that the decisions i make from my heart will just get supported? well, they did. because as soon as i decided i was going on this trip, all of a sudden i had a $250 credit on my credit card, i had overpaid my tuition and brandeis sent me a check (The Heller School). the universe supported me!

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