Friday, June 12, 2009

it's been a while

...and so much has happened! since september six YES!+ courses have taken place here in Miami.a group of YES!+ers even went to India for the international program, YES!+ Winter Break where they experienced the beautiful Bangalore Ashram. They delved deeper into the Self through a silent meditation retreat, participated in a service project and also got to meet Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (international humanitarian leader and founder of the Art of Living Foundation).

on the last YES!+ course a couple weeks ago, participants decided on a saturday afternoon they were going to feed homeless people around the city of miami. by sunday evening they had cooked a huge amount of food (beans, rice & veggies) from donations from their homes and neighbors. they had also received a donation of over 2,000 organic apples from whole foods. a group of them loaded up an SUV with these goodies and drove around downtown miami, feeding 75 people who were so so thankful to receive a warm meal for memorial day weekend. ;)

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