Friday, June 12, 2009

Deepening Roots at the Canadian Ashram

i recently got back from teaching the YES!+ course as part of the Deepening Roots internship at the Canadian Ashram. needless to say it was amazing. interns come from all over the US and Canada to learn about themselves, the secrets of the breath, how to relieve stress, become more self-aware and centered, to be empowered and realize their potential. they also learn about sustainable agriculture and permaculture from Andrew Jones.

the internship incorporates meditation and spirituality with sustainable agriculture, health and wellness and leadership. after the internship, interns will be qualified to teach a one-day gardening workshop in their communities. it's an innovative way to bring communities together to open eyes and jumpstart positive change that's so needed.

check out: next session is happening in august!

it's been a while

...and so much has happened! since september six YES!+ courses have taken place here in Miami.a group of YES!+ers even went to India for the international program, YES!+ Winter Break where they experienced the beautiful Bangalore Ashram. They delved deeper into the Self through a silent meditation retreat, participated in a service project and also got to meet Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (international humanitarian leader and founder of the Art of Living Foundation).

on the last YES!+ course a couple weeks ago, participants decided on a saturday afternoon they were going to feed homeless people around the city of miami. by sunday evening they had cooked a huge amount of food (beans, rice & veggies) from donations from their homes and neighbors. they had also received a donation of over 2,000 organic apples from whole foods. a group of them loaded up an SUV with these goodies and drove around downtown miami, feeding 75 people who were so so thankful to receive a warm meal for memorial day weekend. ;)